1. Leggings
I don’t know about you, but love the fall! I love the crisp feel of the air, the changing leaves, and wearing sweaters. It’s one of my favorite seasons and it reminds me of how you feel so good in the second trimester after dragging through the first trimester (for me that’s the heat of summer!). Because I love fall so much, naturally I think that being pregnant in the fall is just about the best thing ever. Here’s my thoughts on why this is the perfect time of year to be growing a new little person inside:
Fall in Love with Comfort
Whoever invented leggings needs an award. They are the most versatile and the most comfortable item in my closet! And if you’re a pregnant woman, it gets even better than that because Motif Medical developed pregnancy leggings that are also the most supportive! These leggings can go from exercise class to a night out with friends, all while giving your growing belly the support that it needs during all weeks of pregnancy. Do you know why that matters? Because when your abdominal muscles get tired, your back starts doing the work. By wearing these leggings you’re going to help keep your body feeling good all day long. And did I mention how stretchy, cute, and comfortable they are? You seriously can’t go wrong with these! P.s. Motif carries pregnancy support shorts for the perfect big sweater Princesss Diana look!
2. Cooler Weather
Being pregnant is like carrying around a personal heater inside your belly. Most pregnant people feel hot all the time—especially during the summer months. That crisp fall breeze is a true breath of fresh air! Plus, it’s so much easier to find the motivation to get outside and walk when you don’t feel like you’re melting from the inside. And the physical activity helps with digestion, sleep and mental health conditions, so you really can start feeling better all over!

Not only does the cooler weather feel nice, but it also lets you take advantage of some other forms of body support. You may know that swelling can be a normal pregnancy symptom, especially in the third trimester, but just because it’s normal, doesn’t make it comfortable. Your health care provider or midwife might have recommended compression socks to help with the swelling, but those aren’t very fun to wear in the summer. Hello fall, hello compression socks! Compression socks enable better blood vessel circulation and blood flow in your feet and ankles so that it helps decrease swelling. Wearing them when you’re out and about or exercising can make an enormous difference in how your feet feel at the end of the day. Plus, Motif Medical makes some super fun prints so you can be cute and comfortable at the same time.
3. Staying Active
As I mentioned above, the cooler fall weather makes it so much easier to be outside and be active in your early pregnancy. I live in East Tennessee and the world around me is practically calling for me to come outside and celebrate! The trees look like their leaves have been painted with the colors of the sun and the skies are so blue and beautiful! It’s truly the most magical time of year to go on an adventure. There are mountains to hike, corn mazes to conquer, and apple orchards to explore! Take the time to get out and enjoy this gorgeous time of year when nature makes everything look like a painting.
Physical Support
If you’re in your second or third trimester, you might want to make use of Motif Medical’s pregnancy support band while you’re exploring the world around you. The band provides gentle compression and supports your back and abdomen, which can ease joint ligament, hip and back pain.
The band is adjustable, too, so you can modify it to fit your needs and comfort level.
4. Food is Fantastic
Maybe it’s because I love fall, but the food of fall calls to my soul. Don’t you just love a warm bowl of soup? Apple cider, pumpkin pies—YUM! There’s something delicious for everyone in the fall! As a midwife, nutrition is always at the forefront of conversations I have because I do believe it is the foundation of a healthy pregnancy, but moderation is key. There’s a reason we call it “comfort food” and it is okay to be comforted by it! My tip for staying on track with your nutrition is to find ways to incorporate protein with every meal or snack that you have. And be intentional about adding in vegetables. I think one of the reasons I love soup so much is that it often has both protein and veggies in it.
Hydration is another way to make sure you’re staying healthy with all of the holiday goodies around. Start your day with a glass of water and make sure you’re still drinking half your body weight in ounces of water a day. Unfortunately, apple cider and pumpkin lattes don’t count for that—you need that amount of water every day!
5. Emotional Support
It turns out it’s not just me—a study by Stuffed Puffs says that the majority of Americans report they are happiest in the fall. Maybe it’s the weather or the colors…or maybe it's because it’s a time of year when we gather with family. Our loved ones are such an important part of who we are as people.
Unfortunately, life is often busy and we may not get to see them as much as we would like. But one of the wonderful parts about fall is the holidays we celebrate together with family and friends. From walking the neighborhood and trick-or-treating on Halloween to traveling to gather around the table on Thanksgiving, this time of year tends to bring people together. The emotional benefits of that community support are profound all the time, but especially when you’re pregnant.

Did I convince you? Is fall not the very best time of year to be pregnant? If you’re expecting, I hope that you are cool and comfortable this fall. I hope your days are full of delicious and nutritious food, and fun adventures, and that you get to walk through it all surrounded by the people you love.
Information provided in blogs should not be used as a substitute for medical care or consultation.