Jacque Ordner

Should I Get a Wearable Breast Pump Through Insurance?

Not all breast pumps are created equal. Pumps are created for different situations and to fit different pumping needs. For this reason, breast pumps are often categorized as either primary or secondary. Primary pumps are traditional double electric breast pumps that use flanges and provide hospital strength and performance to effectively and efficiently express milk. Secondary pumps are smaller, more portable pumps that sometimes feature hands-free collection cups with tubing or are completely wearable inside the bra. Secondary pumps usually also have rechargeable batteries. Below are some of the most frequently asked questions when considering adding a portable or wearable pump to your pumping routine. 

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Overcoming Obstacles: Breastfeeding After C-Section

Nearly a third of all births occur via cesarean section in the United States. Facing a c-section comes with unique challenges for both recovery and breastfeeding. Because cesarean delivery is sometimes stigmatized, we need to address a few important points right off the bat. 

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