Hands Free Breast Pumping

Proudly shouting, “Look, no hands!” is always fun, especially when it comes to breast pumping, even though it may be awkward if people actually look. Let’s face it, for busy moms pumping can take up a lot of time so a hands-free breast pump might save you tons of time by giving you the freedom to multi-task.

This can be especially beneficial if you need to pump at work, because it will give you the freedom to catch up on emails, prepare for meetings, and more, all while expressing milk for your little bundle of joy. So, how exactly can hands-free pumping be achieved?

Step 1: Get The Right Breast Pump

In order to breast pump hands-free, you need to acquire an electric breast pump. A double electric breast pump will work best to save time by expressing milk from both breasts at the same time.

These pumps work by mimicking your baby’s natural suckling patterns to quickly and efficiently express milk and will work with no hands.

While manual breast pumps are great to have in case your electric one breaks, they can’t be used to hands-free breast pump because they are in fact, manual and involve the use of your hands to express milk.

Step 2: Wear The Right Bra

Having a hands free breast pump bra is a major key to success when it comes to hands-free pumping. There are a ton of options to choose from and they provide the support of a sports bra with the ability to hold breast flanges and milk collector bottles to your chest.

You can wear them under your clothes and simply connect them to your breast pump whenever it’s time to express milk accordingly to your daily schedule.

Just remember to place the breast pads over the openings of your pumping bra to prevent leaks during the day. If you’re prone to drips and leaks then it might be best to wear nipple pads every day while lactating.

It’s hard to determine which is the best pumping bra because every mom is unique. Do your research online to determine the most comfortable option that fits your pump flanges for your new hands-free lifestyle.

Step 3: DIY Hands Free Pumping

If you want to get your mama MacGyver on, you can use the resources around you to craft your own hands-free pumping bra. Simply take an old comfortable bra or sports bra and cut slits in them at nipple height. Make sure the slits will fit around the flanges.

Then you will need to create a system that holds your pump to your chest. Usually, two ponytails can work well by connecting them, looping around the flanges, and by being connected to a clip on your bra strap.

You will need to adjust your bra straps as the weight of the filling milk containers starts to pull the flanges down. Also, remember to cover the slits with nipple pads when you aren’t pumping.

It may take a few tries and rigging attempts to get your DYI pumping bra to be fully functional. Plus, the flanges may drop a few times. Make sure it’s up to the task before using it in public or at work.

Woo Hoo No Hands!

Breast pumping can be a little boring at times and you might not want to hold on to your milk containers the whole time. Give yourself the freedom to multitask at home or work with a hands-free breast pumping kit. With the right pump, and by getting or making the right bra your hands can be free. 

All content published on the Motif Medical site is credited for information purposes only. This information should not substitute as medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always consult your doctor or qualified health professional with any questions regarding the health of you or your baby.

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